HowTo Create SSH Keys
[crayon-6790ce516dfab329452633/] You can press enter here, saving the file to the user home (in this case, my example user is called demo). [crayon-6790ce516dfb0589011943/] Press enter if you want a password-less key or type your password: [crayon-6790ce516dfb2746752771/] Copy you ssh key to your VPS (non-root user): It will ask for your password [crayon-6790ce516dfb3872667258/] Copy you ssh key to your VPS (root user): Login with your non-root user, become root (sudo su) and copy/paste your ssh public key (ex. in /root/.ssh/authorized_keys. Step 1: [crayon-6790ce516dfb5619356303/] Step 2: [crayon-6790ce516dfb6765469015/] Step 3 (optional): if the .ssh directory doesn't exist, create it [crayon-6790ce516dfb7471306942/] Step 4: Paste your public key (ex. in authorized_keys [crayon-6790ce516dfb8412829320/]