Connect Windows 7,8,10 devices to VPN server

Step 1. Download the OpenVPN GUI application, for free: If using Windows 10, 8, 7 and Vista download [shortlink openvpn-client-windows]here[/shortlink] Step 2. To Install the OpenVPN GUI application Run (double-click) the installer. Allow app to make changes (Choose Yes). Follow the wizard. Note: If the installer needs confirmation to install a TAP network interface, please allow it too. Reboot your pc. Step 3. Once the application is installed, download your configuration file(s) and place it to your Desktop or Documents folder. Note: You can find your configuration files in your emails (check spam folder too) with subject: "Your VPN configuration files". Step 4. Open the OpenVPN client and allow the application administrative permissions – it’s necessary for a VPN connection. Step 5. The application will start running in the system…
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Connect Android Devices to VPN server

Step 1. Download the OpenVPN Connect application here, for free. Step 2. Download or send your configuration file to your android phone. You can find your configuration files in your emails (check spam folder too) with subject: "Your VPN configuration files". Step 3. Open the OpenVPN Connect app and select the OVPN Profile option. After selecting the OVPN Profile option, you will be prompted to allow the app to access your device’s storage. Once prompted, tap on “allow”. Step 3. Locate the download folder and the .ovpn file you downloaded in Step 1. Select your desired location and tap the IMPORT button in the top right corner, then tap ADD. Step 4. Once you have successfully added the .ovpn configuration file you can connect to the server by tapping the slider.…
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HowTo Create SSH Keys

[crayon-67c1147b2749e494558676/] You can press enter here, saving the file to the user home (in this case, my example user is called demo). [crayon-67c1147b274a5318066462/] Press enter if you want a password-less key or type your password: [crayon-67c1147b274a7563770778/]   Copy you ssh key to your VPS (non-root user): It will ask for your password [crayon-67c1147b274a8327546354/]   Copy you ssh key to your VPS (root user): Login with your non-root user, become root (sudo su) and copy/paste your ssh public key (ex. in /root/.ssh/authorized_keys. Step 1: [crayon-67c1147b274aa162700545/] Step 2: [crayon-67c1147b274ab771932307/] Step 3 (optional): if the .ssh directory doesn't exist, create it [crayon-67c1147b274ac104429035/] Step 4: Paste your public key (ex. in authorized_keys [crayon-67c1147b274ae223255951/]  
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