eCommerce Complete Solution was designed, developed and hosted in context of eCommerce Complete Solution. It adopts most well-known practices of DevOps and SysOps and for eCommerce as well. One of its major challenges was the custom integration with numerous 3rd party APIs along with its full Ajax-ified widgets (cart, wishlist, comparison tool, search tool) along with 3 levels of conditional caching. LazyVan is benchmark-ed for 400k visitors.

Home page

Product page

- Ajax updated Cart, Wishlist & Compare
- Live Support Chat
- O ptimized Cart and Checkout pages for easy & fast checkouts
- Multiple payment gateways
- Dynamic Product Pricing
- Point Reward System
- Custom Shipping Policies
- Order Tracking Integration
- Call-me-back functionality
- Greek Invoicing template system
- Custom Integration with 3rd-party APIs
- Single-Sign-On (SSO)
- Smart coupons
Performace tuning
- Optimized for 500k visitors per month
- Database optimization
- Load under 3 seconds (without chat)
- Web Accelarator
- High-Availabilty Ready
- 3 level caching
Fully-Managed VPS Hosting
SSL Encryption
Mail Provider
Web Design
Web development

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